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Townhall for Kids with Dr. Bonnie Henry

Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and Minister of Education Rob Fleming will be answering questions from children about COVID-19...

Submitting Your Child's Work

Hello Div. 6 Families, It can be tricky submitting work, especially if there are a few pages. Here are two links to explain how to "scan"...

Lego Challenge!

Here is a whole month of Lego challenges. You can do this for May or just start now. If you don't have Lego, feel free to try building...

Music Mondays Continue!

Ms. Dochstader is still organizing Music Mondays. Go to her website to check out this week's song here!

April 20th to 24th

Good morning, here is the schedule for this week. Please submit work using Class Dojo or to my email.

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